Three easy steps for HOA to be proactive with stormwater areas.
Too often, neighborhoods learn about stormwater management only because a problem arises. It’s understandable. However, with a few simple steps, HOAs can be proactive which saves time, frustration, and money. Oh, and being proactive with stormwater is best for the world we live in.
Being proactive with stormwater is best for the world we live in.
(1) Being proactive with stormwater requires routine vegetation management. Routine management varies from pond to pond, but according to most state regulations means more than one. Such management, controls invasive weeds and prevents saplings from becoming large trees. Mature trees in stormwater ponds introduces extra debris, which increases the time for an expensive dredging . Furthermore, a fallen mature tree, does damage to the structure of the embankment and the pond’s floor. All samplings should be removed as soon as noticed within your pond.
(2) A proactive stormwater management also requires an annual inspection. Inspections should be performed by a certified post-construction inspector or a civil engineer. These inspections look for current failures in a pond, and perhaps even more important, they look for potential issues. Find issues early and addressing them generally enables the neighborhood to save money, or at least know how to plan for future expenditures.
(3) To be proactive in a neighborhood also requires home owner responsibility. The way homeowners manage their property greatly effects the neighborhood. Over watering a lawn sends more water through a pond as runoff from the yard enters the stormwater system. Also, over fertilized lawns send unabsorbed nutrients into the pond, over feeding vegetation causing weeds to thrive. Furthermore, not picking up pet waste, placing grass clippings and leaves in piles, vehicle oil leaks, washing cars on the driveway all add pollutants to your stormwater infrastructure.
Proper stormwater management requires each individual to be proactive. Gandhi remind us that our environment is not a gift from the past, but on loan from the future. We must do our part to keep stormwater runoff clean, because it saves time, frustration, and money, but even more importantly because it helps generations to come.