Merry Christmas: A Time to remember the restoration and stewardship
As we celebrate the Christmas season, it’s a time to reflect on restoration—not just of our hearts, but of the world around us. The deterioration of our environment through soil erosion, air pollution, and water contamination is a clear departure from God’s original design for His creation. Yet, as stewards of His blue earth, we are called to take part in its restoration.
By planting trees, we combat soil erosion. By monitoring and improving air quality, we safeguard the breath of life. By cleaning waterways and implementing sustainable practices, we ensure clean water for future generations. Each of these actions is a step toward healing the earth—a reflection of God’s purpose for humanity to nurture and protect what He has made.
However, the fall of man reminds us that the restoration of our environment is not enough. Through sinful thoughts and actions, mankind has fallen far from the perfect design God intended. It is for this reason that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world—a gift we celebrate at Christmas.
Born humbly in a manger, Jesus lived a sinless life yet took on the punishment of a criminal. He bore the weight of our sins, dying the death of a thief or murderer. But through His birth, life, death, and resurrection, mankind is restored to a right relationship with God.
This is why Christmas is so merry: not just because of the joy and lights, but because it reminds us of the greatest restoration of all—our redemption through Christ.
May your Christmas be filled with hope, peace, and the joy of restoration, both for our world and for our souls. Merry Christmas!