Buck Outdoors Stormwater Specialist - retention pond detention pond management Greenville, SC

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The Water You Drink

Did you realize that Greenville, SC has been recognized as having some of the best drinking water in the nation? Such quality water comes only from strict measures taken by municipality leaders to ensure water quality. Each day Greenville Water administers numerous water tests to maintain that quality (see Keeping the Greenville Drinking Supply Safe). But testing alone does not ensure water quality. It is essential that each community, home and individual recognize the role they play in water supply.

How can you effect your drinking water? Perhaps the greatest effect on our water quality is the stormwater that flows through your yard and into the community's streams.  That’s right, the water we drink was once rain runoff, going through your yard. I know, this is something you were taught in grade school, the life cycle of Mr. Walter Drawp. See what I did there?

Unfortunately, our knowledge does not always connect with our behaviors. So, how do we live out the reality that the water flowing through our yard gets poured into our glass. For starters, don’t over fertilize, pick up pet wast, and wash your car at the car wash. Furthermore, your neighborhood has filtration systems for stormwater that prevents pollutants from getting into our water sources. Check with the place you work and your neighborhood to make sure a permanent stormwater manager is in place to set a stormwater pollutant prevention plan in action.

It’s very important that our community continues to value our water quality. Furthermore, keep in mind that the community is US—you and me. Each one of us must take individual responsibility for the role we play with our water sources.